The HIPAA Privacy Rule gives individuals a fundamental right to be informed of the privacy practices of health plans and health care providers, as well as to be informed of their privacy rights with respect to their personal health information. For more information on this rule, visit this webpage.
Integrative Mental Health, LLC and Dr. Omar Canosa (IMH LLC) will treat all of your personal and health-related information as confidential, and will not disclose this information without your specific consent. Such consent may be revisited, revised or revoked, by you, at any time.*
Your information will never be sold, rented or lent to any individual or entity, for purposes of marketing. Please note that, from time to time, links to outside information resources and events sponsored by parties not affiliated with IMH LLC will be posted on this website. IMH LLC is not responsible for personal information collected from you, with or without your knowledge, by following any external link posted on this website.
*Note: Dr. Canosa reserves the right to terminate a treatment relationship if he is denied the right to communicate with other parties, in such a way that he is unable to provide responsible or adequate treatment, in accordance with the established treatment plan.